k links to website favourite pages

We don't accept paid links or reciprocal links for the sake of it. This is for "really useful" links, like minded societies, charities, useful sites for our members. 

 We would actually welcome your input here - if you think a site would be particularly helpful let us know but we have not got the money to pay for listings and we will not undertake a reciprocal listing just for the sake of it - relevance is all !

Important Links

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Bude Canal Trust

The Trust has an important role as the owner of some 5½ miles of one of the Canal’s branches, the so-called Aqueduct branch which stretches between Lower Tamar Lake and the River Tamar at Burmsdon and a little beyond. The Trust is therefore responsible for the longest remaining continuous length of the Canal and works hard to maintain its historic and heritage integrity, its wildlife value and public access on the towpath.
Bude Canal Trust website
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Bude Harbour consists of a seaward area, known as Budehaven, and an Inner Harbour with a sea lock connecting them which gives access further upstream to the Bude Canal. Harbour Orders relevant to Bude date from 1819 to 1960.

The Harbour Master is employed by Cornwall Council so contact him for all Canal related permissions and information such as locking in boats.   

 Bude Harbour Master Cornwall

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Bude Stratton Town Council

Bude-Stratton Town Council's main offices are in The Parkhouse Centre but among many other things they run the Grade II Listed  iconic Castle, former home of Sir Goldsworthy Gurney, and the Bude Heritage Centre and Cafe Limelight. Bude's Library and play parks also come under their wing and they hold various Community Events throughout the year such as the brilliant Heritage Day. They own the Barge Workshop which is open to visitors during the summer. 
Bude Stratton Town Council
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Bude Climate Partnership

The Bude Climate Partnership, is a group of local environmental organisations working together to develop positive community-led climate-change responses throughout the wider Bude area.

Living in north Cornwall on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, we’re right on the sharp edge of climate change. Our lovely town, our beautiful countryside, our spectacular coastline and our close-knit community need protection to ensure they remain wonderful places for future generations.

Climate change is happening. We cannot avoid it. But it’s not all doom and gloom – not by any stretch. If we’re smart and we work together, we can turn a serious threat to our way of life into lots of opportunities that will future-proof our community, our economy and all aspects of our environment.

Every one of us can make small changes that collectively will make a huge difference. We’re here to help everyone in the Bude area pull together to make those changes that need to happen.

Bude Climate Partnership
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The Bude Area Tourist Board (BATB) is the Destination Marketing (DM) and Business Organisation (BO) for Bude, as well as for the surrounding towns and villages that makes up the Bude catchment area of Cornwall and Devon. As the official organisation responsible for encouraging visitors to explore this stunning area, BATB works closely with the public and private sectors to deliver a programme of targeted marketing initiatives aimed at increasing visitor numbers, growing visitor spend and creating jobs. Through our Tourist Information Centre, website, guide publications, social media, targeted marketing & extensive PR campaigns, we are able to reach a large audience, spreading the news about Bude and what it has to offer and promoting the Bude area as the No 1 place to visit.

 Visit Bude - We are Bude Information Centre

Bude Chamber of Commerce

Bude Chamber of Commerce

Bude & Greater Area Chamber of Commerce is a volunteer membership organisation that exists to support and promote business development in and around Bude and the greater north Devon/Cornwall area, as well as offer promotion for local charity and community groups.

We aim to represent local businesses and groups, promote members across our social media platforms and website, encourage initiatives, and keep members up to date on local issues.

Follow us on social media or keep an eye on our website to stay up to date with events.

Get in touch with us if you are looking to make connections!”

Bude & Greater Area Chamber of Commerce